Pleasant events FE Report 11/21/2005
A good number of events are now being held in the city and the city-dwellers have several options for paying leisure visits. Korean Cultural festival will be held at Mirpur Sports Stadium on November 18. A book show will begin at Russian Cultural Centre, Dhanmondi on November 15. It will continue up to November 30. An exhibition of artworks of three artists is going on at the Art & Soul Gallery in Gulshan. The six-day display of largely abstract works is drawing visitors. The artists are from Japan, (Koichi), Bangladesh (Mohammad Tarikat Islam) and Poland (Rafal Gosiniecki). Tarikat Islam and Rafal are classmates at Fukushima University and study art under well-known Watanabe, associate professor, Painting Department in the same university. Islam gets his inspiration from observing Japanese culture, people and aspects of their daily life. He points out that he has done six months at the Fukushima University and has another one- and- a- half years to go. The display will conclude on November 16. A new programme for Bangladeshi youth, titled Hey Tarunnyo, made its debut on Channel-i from November 12. Hosted by Professor Shaheda Obayed, noted personalities of the country will participate in the programme. Professor Abdullah Abu Sayeed and journalist Ashraf Kaisar took part in a discussion in the first episode of the programme. The show will be aired on second and fourth Tuesdays every month at 4:15pm.