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Ramadan's enlightenment


We all were waiting in the lounge of a cardiac hospital at Gulshan. In our discussion my little known friend (who resides in US) said, 'where in Quran it says about Mohammed' but I believe in Allah, Quran etc. Another smart looking gentleman joined us and said 'I have been researching for some time, I think Quran is not complete yet'. First question, which specifically I couldn't quote from the Quran but just said it should be part of your belief. Second, I mentioned the Ayah and the gentleman quickly conceded and was delighted hearing it.
When we fill the mosque in Fridays and in Ramadan, raise our blood
pressure after incidents of bombing in the Middle East, we miss a lot in common but simple practices.
If we were properly enlightened through education and true wisdom we would have done many things better and would have lived in harmony and peace in our society.
Smiling at a fellow Muslim is a charity (sadakah), removing a nail from street another big Hasanah, all these do not cost money or effort. It is the enlightenment that makes the focus and gets reflected in our actions.
During the Ramadan or Eid or in any festivities due to increased demand in other places in the world discount is offered to encourage more sales, so prices go down. In Bangladesh it is the opposite. With the congestion in the mosque, cheating, profiteering, taking bribe goes perhaps higher than before to make up the lavish breakfast table (iftar) or buying luxury clothing to show off at Eid. 80 thousand taka Lehenga, 120 thousand taka sari-- all in a race to grab. The same people fast, offer charity, performs Omrah etc. But what sense does it make?
Ramadan is restraint, not only from food but also from temptations. One should have control and excel in one's behaviour and qualities. To act accordingly we need
enlightening education and true knowledge in our faith. To develop good
understanding one has to search in Quran and Hadith to get all his queries cleared to act faithfully and behave consistently, humanely, generously.
Today's Internet and Computer age have made it all easier. As a Muslim, during this holy month of Ramadan, we should share our knowledge and urge each other to act justly towards our family, our society and to all creation of the supreme lord.

Jeddah, K.S.A