Brahmanbaria potters struggling to stick to their profession Our Correspondent 10/14/2005
BRAHMANBARIA, Oct 13: The potters in eight upazilas of Brahmanbaria district have been facing manifold problems while some are switching over to other professions, sources said. Hundreds of families find it difficult to continue their age-old profession and many poor potters have changed professions with others following the suit. Some potter families of Sarail upazila said the profession was a lucrative one in the past. Their hand-made products such as earthen jars, cups, plates, toys and other earthenware had a great demand in the local markets and their earnings were satisfactory. But now the situation has changed. The prices of clay, dice, colour, fuel and other necessary ingredients for the craft have increased many times and gone beyond their buying capacity. Some potters pointed out that with the expansion of plastic and aluminium item markets; the demand for earthenware has dwindled to a great extent. The potters also fail to expand the markets for their products due to lack of new designs, proper transport facilities and working capital. Some energetic potters said they could put their ancestral business on a strong footing if they were given necessary bank loans on easy terms. The local moneylenders are providing funds for them at an exorbitant rate of interest.