Thoughts on Ramadan-VI Z. Islam 10/13/2005
Man is so constituted that there are two aspects of his life. One is the sphere in which he finds himself totally regulated by the divine law. While in the other sphere he is endowed with the faculty to reason, think, form opinion, to choose, reject and act. Based on the way a person exercises his freedom and acts will be his trial and test. Islam does not permit any compulsion or force in matters of religion. The Holy prophet (SM) is repeatedly reminded in the Holy Quran that his duty is to convey this message completely and truthfully. He has to give the people the message of the Holy Quran and also to warn them of the consequences of their conduct should they decide to abandon this right path. The Holy prophet is not responsible for the conduct of others for each men must take full and exclusive responsibility for his actions. The Holy Quran itself is a Book of persuasion and guidance. Outcome of fasting Islam expects a believer to be perfect. Besides other things, a believer is required to be all the more upright because he has to do a job which is unique and important. It is not possible for one to shape and change oneself into an upright person unless one severely tries to keep up with the task a believer has to do in life. Fasting, helps one in this effort. Those among the believers who translate their faith into practical life and scale the finer heights of obedience have been described in the Holy Quran, thus :" The believers must eventually win through - those who humble themselves in their prayers ; who avoid vain talk ; who are active in deeds of charity ; who abstain from sex, those who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants; and who strictly guard their prayers". (23:1-9) Fasting is a shield, and one finds all the basic requirements and additional qualities for an ideal believer are taken care off and also explores new heights in them. Faith, truthfulness, trustworthiness, justice, patience, tolerance, courage, steadfastness kindness, generosity, forgiveness, modesty, humility and etiquette - all have an exquisite display and refinement in Fasting. The important aspects of Muslim women In a Muslim society, the man has the full responsibility for maintaining his wife and family. It is both a moral and legal obligation. The Holy Quran says : "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women" (4:34) A women is responsible for her home and the welfare of her family. "The mother is a school", which explains that the women's role in the upbringing and character formation of her children is very vital. In Islam, both men and women must illustrate high standard of moral conduct in marriage and in day to day life. The Dowry (Meher) is a gift from the husband to the wife and it becomes her exclusive property. The relationship between husband and wife is of trust, mutual respect, care and with the sole object of growing together a progressive environment for the upbringing of educate and good children within a society with high moral and social standards. Allah in His Infinite Mercy has created men and women in perfect rhythm of one complimenting the other. He has given them their respective duties and functions. There is no existence in faith or reality of one without the other. Even the strongest of men are born and nurtured by women till he is strong and independent. The shared responsibility of life in Islam is explained and finds repeated focus in the Holy Quran and there is absolutely no room for exploitation of one gender by the other. This is the dominant theme of life in Islam. Fitra must be paid before Eid prayers Fitr means the charity (Sadaqa) of opening the fast, which is given at the end of the Ramadan. Thus, following the last fast of Ramadan is called the day of Eid ul Fitr. The Prophet Muhammad (SM) enjoined Muslims to give charity (Sadaqa) to needy and deserving Muslims in the same year when fasting during Ramadan was made obligatory for them. To pay Sadaqa al Fitr is compulsory for every Muslim, whether fasting or not, as long as he has sufficient wealth for himself and his family for the day of Eid. He should discharge his Fitra in respect of himself and all those who are dependent on him, such as his wife, children and servants. It should be given to the poor and needy, preferably before offering of the for Eid prayers. To be continued