Post-exam vacuum: What to do? Nahid Kaisar Toma 3/12/2006
Most of the students are at a fix about what to do in the vacuum period of post-exam (be it SSC/HSC/ degree/ honours/ even masters), I mean, the gap between the end of the exam and publication of result. Some think, "we've studied enough for the exam, and now should/can have fun." I agree with that, one really needs to relax after the stress (both physical and mental) related to the exams. But the long-termed gap (about 90 or more days) should not be all-rest and fun. One can exploit it for several purposes which can make it a great boon. Students of SSC/HSC can rush to either spoken English or to computer or to both. These are good, though I think, they can do many other interesting things (which would be both educative and entertaining) beside these typical practices. For example, most of the students could not nurture their hobbies due to the stress of study, for them this time is most suitable to sharpen their hobbies, even to re-practice them and thereby they can prove themselves distinguished from bookish guys. It can be a travel time for those who have facilities, or a series of visit to the historical places around the city or, if possible, the country. Even, one can learn recitation, or playing any musical instrument that takes less time. Girls, I've seen, make the better use of these times. For example, they try to learn cooking special dishes, tailoring, or crafts, such as, block, boutique, etc., or take training to be beauticians and do many more things which boys do not find useful or interesting. Thereby, girls offer themselves double possibility of being versatile since they try the options mentioned above (avoided by boys) and also try the other ways common to boys. Anyway, it is the immense value of that period which is crucial for my argument and the best use for it which is my proposed solution. After degree or honours exam, it, takes much more than 90 days to publish the result. Sometimes it may take eight months even. The first thing a student rush to do is taking preparation for the coming BCS preliminary. Only those, who are determined not to appear at the exam at any circumstance (like me!) become restless. Since they feel a double-trouble, one has a guilty conscience pricking all the time in their mind that they are missing the BCS, they must compensate the loss by choosing some careers equally appreciable and prestigious. Besides, there is the tension as 'what-to-do' in this vacuum. Since, unless your result is out, you can not apply for a full-time-job, even, you'll be lucky if you get a part-time-one. This is the best time to get skilled which will suit your future career and be considered worthy for the position you want to acquire. Many students take this gap as the period of unemployment (I also thought after my honours exam that I was a 'bekar'!), feel empty and humiliated which may take the form of inferiority complex. If you pass the time in preparing yourself for the BCS preliminary, what may happen? Two things happen in this case: one is that, if you pass the preliminary you start preparing yourself for the written test but your masters classes start at the same time. You can neither concentrate on your written-test-preparation completely nor can you respond fully to the immense syllabus your masters course imposes on you. You feel divided, sometimes frustrated but few times, successful. But I'm not telling about the exceptions since exceptions are not examples. Are they? On the other hand, when you find that you have not passed the preliminary and by this time have already missed many classes of masters course, you may feel at a loss. Since to cover the masters texts properly one has to start studying from the very day her/his honours. Exam is finished and to continue it till s/he appears at the last exam of her/his masters course. I, at least, believe so. Besides, those who have already got involved into jobs face another problem. When they find that they must attend the masters classes whether for the sake of percentage or for understanding the text, they have to divide their time between the two different, demanding fields. Hardly, a proper balance is possible. As a result 75% of them choke up the jobs for the sake of study and better academic results. But the best, (I mean the 25%) who really need the job get confused. They feel at a fix that they may not get the same kind of job again (since we know the job-market of our dear country!). Therefore they continue but while trying to appear at the final exam they realise what a loss they have done to themselves. I know a person who joined a full time job with pretty handsome salary after honours exam but could not choke it. The result was that he has a 50% marks in the honours but in the MA he got a third class. It may happen to anyone trying to risk their study at the temptation of job. All these messes happen due to the irony that we all want something to-do since we cannot afford the barrenness of nothing -to-do but ironically and finally find ourselves caught in the web of what to-do! Wow !! But, every problem has its solution, be it the question of to-be-or-not to be. There, to make the best use of this post-exam-vacuum, a student must be more thoughtful about his future and more confident of her/his goal. Unless, we know our goal, how could we take the right way? Then, we must consult our parents, teachers, and seniors on this perspective. Whatever we do, we must do it seriously and must take care that any good comes out of it. After all, life is awfully short, isn't it?