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Welcome to US Trade Show 2006!
The Members and Officers of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh are pleased to present the 15th US Trade Show in cooperation with the US Embassy. The remarkable success of the annual US Trade Shows in the past has had a positive impact on all relevant areas of business. We appreciate the pro-business and pro-market sentiment of the people of Bangladesh.
The economic relations between the United States and Bangladesh have been excellent, cordial and productive. The American business community seeks an open economy with a minimum of government control. Bangladesh offers a lot of opportunities for trade and investment. Its untapped natural resources, growing middle class, easily trainable human resources, fertile soil, adequate water resources, linguistic and cultural cohesion, all together could be considered as strong foundation for rapid development and growth. The American Chamber is committed to project the correct image of Bangladesh in the United States and to contribute toward the promotion of economic relations between the United States and Bangladesh.
The American Chamber is very pleased to work with the US Embassy, and both are working together since the inception of AmCham in 1988.
We greatly value and respect the cooperation and support of the US Trade Show Participants in organizing the Show every year, including this one. I hope the Show would again generate tremendous opportunities to Participants, Bangladeshi consumers and businesspeople to quickly accelerate the desired level of American business in Bangladesh and to promote and strengthen the mutual business relationships between these two countries.

A Gafur
Executive Director