Saudi Bangla Fish Feed Ltd holds annual marketing conference FE Report 3/1/2005
The Saudi Bangla Fish Feed Limited (SBFFL), country's first commercial scale scientific animal feed manufacturing company held its annual marketing conference at a local hotel in the city recently. About one hundred sales agents of the Company from all over the country took part in the conference. SABINCO Managig Director and CEO Md Minhaz Zia was the chief guest at the annual conference and distributed prizes among the successful agents. The SBFFL, financed by SABINCO is the first company to introduce palletised feed in the country through launching scientific shrimp, fish, poultry and cattle feed. The company has earned tremendous goodwill and reputation Over the years throughout the country. The SABINCO is a johiat venaire Development Financial Institution(DR) of Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia. The first shrimp hatchery (Pioneer Hatchery Limited) and sernii-Mitensive shrimp culture farm (Aquaculture Farms Limited) of the cotintry were also financed by the SABINCO.